Author: Andrea Cremer
Publication Date: October 19, 2010.
Publisher: Philomel Books
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Young Adult, Romance.
Summary (from goodreads friend): Calla Tor has always known her destiny. After graduating from Mountain High School, she'll be the mate of sexy alpha wolf, Ren Laroche and fight with him, side by side, ruling their packs and guarding sacred sites from The Keepers. But when she violets her masters laws and rescues a beautiful human boy out for a hike, Calla begins to question her fate, her existance, and the very essence of the world she has known. By following her heart, she might lose everything- including her own life. Is forbidden love woth the ultimate sacrifice?
After looking at the cover, I did the forbidden and "judged a book by its cover." That seems to be something I always do- it usually is buying books because of a pretty cover, rather than putting down a book because of a strange or boring cover. I thought, right away, that this book had to be amazing. I really should learn from my past mistakes by now, but I used up the very last bit of money I have for the week and took it home with me from the grocery store (yes, they sell books there where I live).
I wanted to like Calla, I really did. I always try to root for that character that is rebelling against something, like Katniss against the Capitol, or in this case, Calla against her masters and the rules of her world. But as the story progressed, I found it harder and harder to root for our heroine. I looked for her best traits, but all I saw was the way she acted- and I couldn't cheer for that. She was always mean and rude towards Ren, and she always was distracted or cared about something else when he tried to talk to her. She was irritated by anything he said, and didn't give him a chance. Cremer was trying to portray him as jealous, bossy, mean and competitive as well as hot, but that's not how he came off. When Calla and him interacted, it was liked the wicked witch of the west and dorothy having a fight. Ren would be trying to talk to Calla and she'd simply snap at him or find bad in everything he said. I also didn't like how she supposedly "loved" Shay so much when all he was good for was sticking his nose where it wasn't his place and whining about life. I didn't notice any chemistry at all. He seemed more aggressive than Ren at times, and I wanted to cheer for Shay and Calla being together (as I said, I always want to root for the star crossed lovers rebelling against society to be together). But they were so different, and I couldn't see any reason for why they'd be so in love with each other. I could understand why Shay was attached to Calla- she saved him. But it was more like he worshipped her as one might worship the person who saved their life, than him liking her for who she was. He was infatuated with her before he knew her. The same seemed to go for Calla, and as much as I wanted to, those two just didn't work. I also didn't like how every. single. character. in the whole story was paired of with someone. Calla's best friend with Calla's brother, everyone from the Bane pack with the Nightshade pack....I found it so strange. It was like Cremer was pushing it.
I did like the plot and concept. I think I might like Calla if she wasn't so rude to most people.I thought the whole idea about the masters (who the wolves thought were the good guys) actually being the bad guys, and the bad guys (Keepers) being the good guys, was really interesting. And I also liked how the plot panned out throughout the whole story. I think the concept and idea was really good, and that Cremer did a good job with a new take on werewolves. The idea was almost completely original (though I have read similar things before) and the fact that no vampires were involved made it a little better. I am praying that in the following books, I will come to like Calla and that maybe she will start opening up and giving Ren a chance, because I really like him. I feel so bad for him, because it is clear that he is trying to make things work- I'm sure he would rather not be forced to marry someone either - and Calla just won't let him. That might (hopefully) change, and after the huge cliffhanger (not that huge, but it made me wonder) I can't wait to get my hands on the next. Maybe I will see some more character development in Calla and maybe Shay will mature, and if he doesn't, maybe Calla will choose Ren. I also loved all the actions and excitement in the book, and really the only thing I didn't like was Calla and Shay as individual characters and as a couple. Everything else? I loved. I really did enjoy this book, and as good as the idea and action was, I don't think I will read it again. That's only because for me, there was so much mystery and action leading up to the climax that now that I know everything that happens, it just won't be as good or exciting the second time I read it. One of those books. It was good, but if I read it again, the juice is sucked out of the story. That happens when you have all the answers. That being said, I am Team Ren.
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