Author: Rachel Hawkins
Series: Hex Hall (#2)
Genre: Fantasy, Action, Paranormal, Young Adult
Publication Date: March 22, 2011.
Publisher: Hyperion Book CH
That's all that comes to mind when I think of this fantastic book, the sequel to Rachel Hawkin's Hex Hall debut. Sophie Mercer finds herself in England, learning about her demonocity (come on. Sophie would SO use that word) and spending some demon-dad-and-demon-daughter time with her dad. Throw in a LOT of action, eye-lash glitter, vampires, demons, hot boys, swords, fire, and night clubs, and you have one of the best books in YA fiction.
Let's start with Sophie Mercer. She's her same old, snarky, sarcastic, comedic self, but this time, she really impressed me with her maturity. She thought things through and really tried to keep an open mind when handling everything. And hooray for a YA heroin with a consience! She actually listened to her parents and said no to the love interest, which is a big step up from Bella Swan's constant spineless, selfish behavior and rule bending. Sophie thinks of what's best for everyone, and her and Jenna's relationship continues to flourish and grow like a beautiful flower (hah, im getting corny now). But honestly, the best part? The action and the characters. The dialogue between every character with one another was fantastic. They were all realistic, three dimensional, and they feel like my best friends. I liked all the new characters, and it was a big breath of fresh air to have her dad be so involved with her life, since parents are ALWAYS abscent in YA fiction. But not with this series- in Demonglass, her dad is a big part of her life, and he's there almost every chapter. He also is the whole reason she's in London, so basically, if he wasn't in this book, there probably would be no book. And Daisy and Nick tugged at my heart strings- I liked their relationship and characters a lot. Everyone was so complex, and yet they were all fascinating for their own reasons. Lara was also interesting (to refrain from any spoilers, I will not spectulate on her any longer). The amount of chemistry and tension between Archer and Sophie was off the chain. I have not read a series where I wanted to reach into the book, and make the two characters kiss like I used to make my barbie dolls. Honestly, their feelings for eachother were so strong- it was amazing. And the thing is, you KNOW why they like each other. It's not because of how hot they are to one another (In fact, another aspect that I like is the fact that Sophie is very plain and not beautiful. She's just...plain, girl next door, and she's always addressed that way. She can look pretty, but her looks aren't the best thing about her. Brown hair, brown eyes, freckles. And the thing is, she really IS plain- she doesn't just say she is to be modest. Nobody ever says she's so beautiful and hot. She's just plain, with a FANTASTIC personality), it's because of how well they get along and how they compliment eachother. I could easily list why Archer likes Sophie, and why Sophie likes Archer. I think anyone could, but not for any book, which makes this series that much more spectacular- also, their relationship wasn't insta-love. Sophie hated Archer at first, then she developed a futile crush, then a not so futile crush, but at first you weren't sure if he reciprocated, and at the end, they had a solid friendship before they moved on to romance, which is very new. I swear, this book...its flawless. There's nothing I didn't like about it, and I can be picky, but it's just so fun and amazing. Everyone has realistic conversations and the relationships were realistic, but not too intesne- unlike most fantasy/paranormal YA fiction, this series doesn't take itself too seriously and doesn't have intense, sorrowful, angsty characters- it can be serious, but it is humor filled and packed with more action than cake is packed with sugar. The action makes your heart-stop and sweat form on your brow. It is page-turning and VERY fascinating- there is never a dull moment. This book lacks of "filler" sentences that bore you, which I find AMAZING and am eternally grateful for. The world-building is great- every detail of Sophie's prodigium world is stated, and there's nothing confusing about it. Everything is smooth as a pearl and just as shiny and pretty looking. I loved the banter between Archer and Sophie and Sophie and her dad- there are so many great quotes. An example:
Sophie: "So, did the eye come down here looking for me tonight?" Archer:"No, we came down for free corn dog night. Imagine our disappointment."
Archer and Sophie's banter is seriously out of this world. I am so lucky to have stumbled upon this series. Actually, I picked up DEMONGLASS first, figured out it was the second book in the series, and picked up Hex Hall first. Anyhow....I think that's all I can say. Hawkins has real talent. Of course, this ends with the BIGGEST CLIFFHANGER IN HISTORY, and I can't wait to get my hands on the next book.
But the very best part? Demonglass is the sequel to Hex Hall, and it's BETTER than Hex Hall. It doesn't suffer from second-book-syndrome. It seems like every book Hawkins writes is better than her last, and I thought Hex Hall couldn't get any better. As I said, I am so pre-ordering Spell Bound...
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