Sunday, July 1, 2012

Review: The Giver by Louis Lowry

The Giver (The Giver, #1)Title: The Giver
Author: Louis Lowry
Genre: Classics, Science Fiction, Dystopia, Young Adult
Publication Date: January 24, 2006
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers

I read this in the fourth grade. Well, I was supposed to be in fourth grade, but was in fifth grade reading class. We read this in advanced 5th grade reading class, and back then I found it so fascinating, I spent hours either discussing it or thinking about it. First off, how the main character has no reason to rebel- in his head, anyway. That alone sets it apart from other dystopias. There is Jonah, who thinks his society is so perfect- as does everyone else - and he has no idea what is going on to make it so perfect. It really is perfect, on the outside- but what it takes to make the society perfect *SPOILER* such as, getting the twins and weighing them and killing the weakest one, and choosing what their future jobs will be, isn't such a merry-go-round of joy.
I found the entire concept so amazing. I can't put it into words, and I usually can put anything and everything into words. This was the first dystopia I ever read, and the first book that really struck something in me. In fact, this is the book that made me think, "Someday, I am going to write a book that will change someone's life." Because this book changed mine and the way I look at everything.
From character development (Jonah believing everything is fine, to seeing the horror behind his father's job and society), to plot, to setting, to writing style, everything in this book is deep and perfect. Every sentence is perfectly woven into the bigger picture, every word a necessary action. It is amazing, how gifted Lois Lowry is. This is a book that children will read hundreds of years from now in school, such as Pride & Prejudice and The Great Gatsby. Truly a classic, and a book rare enough to find in the midst of today's Vampire romance and Hunger Games wanna-bes.

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